Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reader Questions and Secret Techniques

Today's blog topics include: Reader questions answered; a new secret technique revealed!? 

Tim Cody is currently:
Working on: Crimson Soul 2 marketing
Traveling clear across the country: Soon
Reading: Marvel Civil War, Marvel Civil War: Spider-Man
Blogging: On a Tuesday!?

Blogging on a Tuesday! Crazy, I know, right? But when a topic I deem worthy should present itself, what more is there to do?

I was asked recently by a reader which I had more fun writing: Crimson Soul 1, or 2. It was a pretty good question, I had to dedicate some thought to it. They were two very different experiences--Crimson Soul 1 was essentially being rewritten from the ground up, whereas Crimson Soul 2 was being rewritten from somewhere in the middle floor up. The answer does not rest in the act of writing, though, or the process, but in the story itself, and in the characters.

And as such, I must answer: Crimson Soul 1 was more fun.

I quite enjoyed writing the character of Crimson. She's a very tragic, broken girl, who, in the end, is truly motivated by her desire for a better life--her desire for any life. I've always been drawn to that sort of character, it's one of the reasons why my favorite Marvel character is X-23.

When you take a fully grown, or nearly grown, character, and then strip them of all things normal... When a character is raised knowing absolutely nothing of the outside world, when the day comes that they must venture out into the wild... When X-23, when Crimson, has to learn how to be a girl, how to be a teenager--how to be a person--I find this journey captivating, and often heartbreaking. She needs to learn how to live, and ultimately, needs to learn that she can't outrun her past.

This journey of self-discovery is often complicated by outside forces--in Crimson's case, the world is literally going to Hell around her. Being able to craft every single little aspect of one of my favorite character archetypes was just a blast. 

Secret Technique #46: Blog Topic Change!

This is the Inception of secret techniques!

Secret technique #14: Blog name change! 

Tim Cody Wants Attention is now the more aptly named Tim Cody Writes! To better fit the official URL, and for general more sense making, I decided that it was the 'write' move to make. ;)

I also decided that that pun was too obvious to not make!

And that's that and marmalade!

-Tim Cody

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