Thursday, January 30, 2014

Subject Nightingale, Volume 2 now available!

Good news, the two or three of you who read Subject Nightingale, Volume 1!

Subject Nightingale, Volume 2: Death and Resurrection is now available for purchase! Check out the Kindle version or pick up a paperback copy via Amazon, and let me know what you think!

Official Synopsis:

The Lab has developed a frighteningly powerful new foe known only as One-Seven-Three, capable of tracking Nightingale's power usage. Once he pinpoints her location, the full force of ECHO is sure to swiftly follow. And the loss of life is sure to be catastrophic...

After fleeing the destruction left in her wake at O'Shea Memorial Park, Nightingale needs to lay low. She can't let anyone else get hurt because of what she can do--because of the Lab's relentlessness. She needs to learn how to live without the use of her powers.

But the need to protect those she cares for is too great, and soon, the opportunity to discover who she was before the Lab turned her into Subject Nightingale becomes too precious to pass up.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Subject Nightingale: Volume 2 Coming Soon, For Real!

So, I'm going to stop providing estimates for when I think Volume 2 will be ready, and begin speaking a bit more vaguely. For the 97 or so of you who have downloaded a copy of Subject Nightingale, Volume 1: Birth and Death, you may be curious as to what happens next.

The cover art is in its final stages. The uploading and proofing process has begun, so now it's just a matter of time. It should just be a couple of weeks from the posting of this update, so keep your peepers on my Amazon or Facebook pages for the notification (read: book spam).
