Today's blog topics include: Future Tim begins major renovations on Crimson Soul 2; Water World references; what happened to Zack Efron's eyebrows?
Tim Cody is currently:
Writing: Crimson Soul II
Reading: Daken: Dark Wolverine VS. X-23: Collision
Seeing This Weekend: Final Destination 5
Drinking: Butter Pecan Milkshake
Well hi everybody, I'm Future Tim, and it's time to deal with the mess that is Crimson Sou 2's later pages (you'll get it if you read a few posts back: pays to keep up, see?)
It really took me by supreese!
So, similar to Crimson Soul 1, I'm rewriting Crimson Soul 2. The story was pretty much okay and in tact, I didn't start the project thinking I had very many major renovations to do (as opposed to the first one, where I started off knowing that I was going to have to rebuild characters from the ground up). When I get about 3/4 through, I figured and planned, I'll need to restructure some of the events and move some great big chunks of chapters around.
But my plans, as plans and projects have a tendency to do, expanded and grew and ballooned like a great big zeppelin. And now like the guy in the balloon in Water World who I'm pretty sure was ripping off the end of The Wizard of Oz, Crimson Soul 2 is floating away and yelling back down to me "I can only go up! I can't come back down!"
And so onward and upward, I say! Time to pull out the ninja grapple and hook my rope to that old bastard's basket, 'cause no way I'm staying on these stink-hole atolls with those weird seafaring versions of the Mad Max gangs and the dude who lives in the oil.
So here I am, back to writing with barely an outline. But much like a puzzle, as I continue to shift chapters around and snap the pieces together, the bigger picture becomes easier to see. Start with the corners and work your way in!
In other news, I sold a copy of e-book Crimson Soul! I enjoyed a brief stint as #82,273 ranked in Amazon's best seller's list, it was good being on top for a little bit. Here's to selling a few more copies!
The Curious Case of Zack Efron's Diminishing Eyebrows:
Zack Efron must have started trimming his eyebrows, those things used to be Peter Gallagher-level bushy. He must have been kicked out of the Bushy Eyebrow League (BEL). I guess they make you trim them once you lose your membership card.
I wonder if that's what happened to Colin Farrell. Go watch In Bruges and tell me that guy wasn't a card carrying member of BEL.
Peter Gallagher and Eugene Levy are legacy BEL.
-Tim Cody
P.S.: I've been experimenting with tags for my blog posts recently. How many is too many? You be the judge!
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